Category: Movies

Meridian (1990)


Slowly we move through the Full Moon offerings. I say slowly since I never update anymore, and we’ll probably reach Evil Bong 3 shortly before my death. Maybe Bride of Head of the Family will even be released by then. Miracles may happen, but somehow I doubt that Jacqueline Lovell will be back. [break] So…

Jack-O (1995)


Wow, what a glorious mess. I had seen this reviewed on something awful a while back (10 years), and they tore it apart. But then they also tore apart my beloved Jack Frost 2, so I’m thinking they just aren’t the proper audience to enjoy b-movies. Jack-O has all of the formulas of a genuine…

Hack-O-Lantern (1988)


80’s horror can at times be divided into two age group camps: Adults and children, and then others that just deal with teens or young adults acting like teen. Hack-o-lantern starts out like the former, but then switches gears half way through. The movie begins with a child and creepy grandfather meeting at a pumpkin…

The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966)


About every Halloween or so, I cringe like I do with any holiday of note because I know that the same holiday specials I’ve seen time and again will be replayed for my amusement. Just in case I forgot how The Nutcracker ended or if I still thought Home Alone was funny (it still, kinda…

Princess of Mars (2009)


If you’ve never seen a film produced by The Asylum, then I envy you for being happier than me. They are a sinister cabal of marginally talented people known for preying upon the unwary. Let me ask any of the Gen Z’s out there who may be reading this: have you ever asked your grandparents…

Lurking Fear (1994)


We’ve covered Lovecraftian movies in the past, and they usually run all over the place. Some deal more with intangible entities while others delve into technological aspects of the occult. With Lurking Fear, we have Jeffrey Combs in one of his many roles simply fighting off underground creatures who don’t get much sun. Most of…

Bad Channels (1992)


Here’s another early entry from Full Moon, but they certainly started showing their campy side. Not a way that it became self-parody, but almost in the way most 80’s comedies with the Corey’s were portrayed. I didn’t have much expectations for this movie, and I really hadn’t heard about it as much as many of…

Netherworld (1992)


I have a strong dislike for this movie, and it has nothing to do with the actual plot or really anything else. For some reason I just can’t seem to tie the title with the actual movie. Case in point: I first saw this either on sci-fi or some other cable channel many years ago,…

Shadowzone (1990)


This is one of the earlier Full Moon productions. You can tell they were really trying to be series at this stage, so there isn’t much camp involved. Shadowzone is played as a straight sci-fi movie and in that respect is works. Despite a few odd characters the only silliness comes from seeing the monster…

Blood Tea and Red String (2006)


Stop-motion is one of my favorite forms of animation. The works of Jan Svankmajer and the Tool videos are some of my favorites. There’s just something about the final production that, while not as smooth or realistic as CGI can be nowadays, the level of detail is unsurpassed and often results in many surreal environments. …