We’ve covered Lovecraftian movies in the past, and they usually run all over the place. Some deal more with intangible entities while others delve into technological aspects of the occult. With Lurking Fear, we have Jeffrey Combs in one of his many roles simply fighting off underground creatures who don’t get much sun. Most of the movie is about a ragtag group who want to set up traps to destroy them all, but are met up with a mob related plot about some buried money. [break]
As he sets off, a few others interested in the money show up and manage to get the location from the mortician shortly before they shoot him. Moving over to the cemetery, a group of people are tying dynamite to tombstones in an elaborate attempt to blow up the tunnels and the inhabitants.
Jeffrey Combs is of course excellent as always as the scientist/doctor who pretty much has little expectations of succeeding, but still gives it all he has. This helps when everyone is taken hostage, since he doesn’t waste time being fearful when greater threats are coming up from the floorboards.