Category: Movies

Alien Contamination (1980)


So, in 1979 this guy named Ridley Scott came out with this movie called Alien. A claustrophobic, frightening and surreal tour-de-force, Alien was a one of a kind film that redefined the scifi/monster movie genre. Spawning numerous sequels, spin-offs, literature, and even video games, the Alien franchise is still very much alive and well. However,…

Wilderness Survival for Girls (2004)


This is one of those movies where you figure it’s purely exploitative. Not I’m not saying it isn’t at all, but it’s hardly the point of the film. I’m sure a certain amount of false pretense was used to lure in viewers, so they would sit long enough for the plot to unravel, and that’s…

The Deadly Spawn (1983)


There have been plenty of early low-budget monster movies, and many are hit or miss. Usually the budget plays a role in that, but fortunately for the Deadly Spawn, that was not the case. Whoever was in charge of the puppeteering did a fine job at creating a hideous alien being. The aliens consist of…

Vampire in Vegas (2009)


When the world looks back on the 70’s and 80’s and thinks about crazy directors who churn out tons of movies, they would probably first come up with Jess Franco then quickly move to either Jean Rollin or Joe D’Amato. Not for the deranged content, of which there was surely plenty, but their knack for…

Tales of Terror from Tokyo: Volume One (2003)


Japanese horror is significantly different from American horror in many ways. Typical American horror makes use of quick cuts and snappy editing to create frantic moments of tension or sudden and horrifying occurrences. There is usually a reason for an American haunting that goes beyond the indiscriminate and radioactive anger of a vengeful spirit in…

Angel of Death (2009)


Been a while since I watched a pure action movie, and even this was a trick. I figured it was some sort of horror, but that was mot meant to be. Of course it didn’t stop me from watching it. I knew the lead female looked familiar, and then I realized it was the girl…

Thanksgiving with the O’Connors


I’m honestly not sure what this is. I felt obligated to try and find at least one Thanksgiving themed entry for the site, since I’m obviously too busy to create custom graphics and such. Maybe I’ll perk up for Christmas. Who knows. Anyway I stumbled over whatever this is supposed to be. I wasn’t even…

War of the Worlds (1988)


Picking up after the events of the 1950’s film, the War of the Worlds television series found a small research team battling the dark agenda of the Martians that survived the first war. Now, anyone who has seen the original film will undoubtedly have some questions. For starters, all the Martians were wiped out by…

Hurt (2009)


After watching the orphan recently, I found this movie with a similar premise. But after completing it, the concept of an evil orphan was about the only similarity. However with this one, there was less grueling death, and a bit more integration with the two family’s plots. A family consisting of a mother and he…

One Eyed Monster (2008)


Not quite sure how to review this bizarre movie. In essence, it’s a traditional monster/critter movie. However, if you go by the cast and titles, it throws elements of the adult industry into the mix. However it is first and foremost a regular horror movie and combined with a level of very apparent campiness makes…