Category: Movies

Gurren Lagann (2007)


From LesserGood: We have currently been unable to reach Brian pending a reevaluation of his activity on the site. Please enjoy this review he sent in advance while we attempt to track him down. A while back I reviewed Dead Leaves, an anime so visually expressive and fun to watch that it went well beyond…

Public Enemies (1935)


While I’m usually a proponent of the private sector spearheading many innovative trends, and government usually bloating things to the point of extreme inefficiency, I must admit I was wrong about one thing: gratuitous death footage. While Faces of Death is the grandfather of gore, despite being mostly faked, it certainly sparked off many imitations…

Colour from the Dark (2008)


I’m not as big into H.P. Lovecraft as many others, and in actuality I didn’t even know who he was until recently. It was more of a concept that I didn’t get for a long time. That said, it appeared that the many adaptations of his work would vary to a wide degree. After realizing…

Dumbland (2002)


Imagine you’re sitting in your living room on a sweltering July afternoon. A common fly whizzes by your ear maintaining a perimeter of no less than two inches about your head. The incessant buzzing of its little wings soon overpowering everything else in the room as you try to go about your business. Imagine that…

The Attic (2008)


It takes a lot, but I can fairly safely say that I didn’t like this movie. Not because it was really bad, but more because they tried to be good and then ultimately weren’t. While several complaints are due to unattractive leads, I suppose that wouldn’t really fly nowadays, so I’ll attempt to find other…

Zaat (1975)


I wanted to give this an extreme rating of some sort, since it goes far beyond the realms of simply being ‘bad’. However it’s not so bad it’s good, and it isn’t so bad that I simply didn’t like it. So it will unceremoniously sit in the middle of the general ‘bad’ range. It is…

9: The Original Short (2005)


If you’re like me, you knew about the theatrical motion picture “9” produced by Tim Burton before you ever even heard about the animated short of the same name by Shane Acker. The short was developed and released as a school project in 2005. Garnering much respect, it caught the eye of one, Tim Burton,…

Wolvesbayne (2009)


Often it’s very easy to see what movie a clone is copied from. Wolvesbayne features a clan of werewolves fighting evil vampires, with a heroic brunette. Unlike say Underworld which features a heroic vampire fighting werewolves. Completely different of course. But what was really needed was a selfish and annoying businessman to whine the whole…

Taintlight (2009)


My first impressions of this movie was ‘wait, this looks familiar’, and it soon dawned on me that I was watching yet another feature by the director of Blood Fart Lake. But I press on, hopeful that I could get a few laughs despite some crude humor. As expected, there’s pretty much the same level…

Blood and Bone (2009)


A common criticism of action movies is that the plot often lacks in lieu of fight scenes. But to me that’s like saying a cake has too much frosting and lacks a plate so you have to eat it with your hands. Which to a normal person makes sense, but to me it sounds perfect….