Little King: Christmas Night (1933)


I love vintage cartoons or really any film from the depression era. They capture that time when people were at their poorest but still in good spirits, trying to build up the infrastructure that we all enjoy now. Of course there were a fair amount of rag-tag traveling hobos who couldn’t find work, but didn’t…

The Granny (1995)


The Granny is a fun film. It’s completely absurd and over the top while adding in some irreverent humor and ridiculous characters. It’s a traditional story of revenge mixed with demon possession. I first found this at a video store that was still predominantly VHS driven, while the rest of the world was moving to…

Thanksgiving with the O’Connors


I’m honestly not sure what this is. I felt obligated to try and find at least one Thanksgiving themed entry for the site, since I’m obviously too busy to create custom graphics and such. Maybe I’ll perk up for Christmas. Who knows. Anyway I stumbled over whatever this is supposed to be. I wasn’t even…

Murder Party (2007)


Once in a while, you rent a random movie and it just blows you away. Not because it’s so great (although personally I would still argue the case), but because it just grabs a different angle and then takes you on a crazy ride. Murder Party is less of a horror movie than a dark…

Trick ‘r Treat (2008)


Most everyone has seen Creepshow and most everyone like Creepshow. So that said, we have a new movie that follows in the same tradition of smaller interwoven stories and for the most part it works. The movie follows four main tales, each of which crosses paths at some point. The movie starts with a young…

Rocktober Blood (1984)


When you think of Heavy Metal Halloween movies, you may think of Heavy Metal Zombies or Trick or Treat with Gene Simmons, but here we have the real deal. Based on real life band Sorcery, a heavy metal band is in the process of recording their new record. Internal tension is running high as the…

Re-Animator (1985)


Prior to reading up on the exploits of Herbert West, I never thought much about the idea of restoring life after death. Sure, I was familiar with the story of Dr. Frankenstein’s Monster, but in many key ways, that story was quite different from Re-Animator. Though it was true that both stories dealt with unorthodox…

The Gravedancers (2006)


It took a while for the After Dark Horrorfest, aka. 8 Films to Die For, to ramp up. The first season was split into ridiculously bad movies, and some way too serious yet slightly boring ones. This sort of bridges the two between the Hamiltons and one where the pigs eat an infant and a…

Soda Batch #3: Spooky Edition


It’s a spooky time of year, and what better way than to infer that certain beverages were meant for Halloween, and are therefore spooky as well. Read on brave ones or you will not be drinking fine nectars, but the blood of your fellow humankind. Blood Orange: We’ve all had orange soda, sometimes Ecto-coolerish Mandarin…

Whole (2003)


It’s not uncommon to hear stories about people who are convinced that they are the wrong gender and won’t feel complete until somehow this is corrected. Some may be satisfied by simply pretending and wearing different clothes or changing mannerisms, while others necessitate a medical alteration. ‘Whole’ makes comparisons to this cultural phenomenon but in…