Category: Movies

Last of the Living (2008)


Finally an indie movie that was done spectacularly. A quick browse through the movie showed that it was a lower budget, self-produced effort, but it’s readily apparent that they knew what they were doing. Right from the start the camera angles were spot on, and title overlays were done tastefully. Heck, the rule of thirds…

Enemy Mine (1985)


No idea why I stumbled upon this as 80’s sci-fi isn’t really my thing, but fortunately it’s more of an adventure movie set to a sci-fi theme. In the distant future Earth has proclaimed peace, so naturally they had to set out into space to find someone to butt heads with. As they explored deeper…

Light Years (1988)


Let’s think hypothetically for a moment. Imagine you have a friend or somebody you know and you’ve known them for so long that you’re positive they wouldn’t hurt a fly. Then, suddenly, you get a glimpse of the future and you learn that at some point, maybe a year from now or more, this friend…

And Soon the Darkness (1970)


Few reviews feel as painful of a process as this one. I’ve had the title screen capped for months now, and if it weren’t for today’s original movie missing the final scene, I wouldn’t be scraping up movies I sort of watched just for an excuse to not re-watch a new one. Truth is, it…

Rejuvenatrix (1988)


Much like the Re-Animator (who’s popularity I imagine this film tried to play off of), Rejuvenatrix covers the issue of messing with a part of life that should not be meddled with. In the Re-Animator, it was death, but in this movie the concept of eternal youth and beauty is the main focus. The fountain…

Little King: Christmas Night (1933)


I love vintage cartoons or really any film from the depression era. They capture that time when people were at their poorest but still in good spirits, trying to build up the infrastructure that we all enjoy now. Of course there were a fair amount of rag-tag traveling hobos who couldn’t find work, but didn’t…

Deadly Little Christmas (2009)


Sourcing Christmas movies that match this site’s focus proves to be slightly more difficult than finding Halloween movies. I suppose dealing with the actual holiday, there may be more, but for October all you need is a few rustling leaves and it works. I’m sure one of these days, I will grab Silent Night, Deadly…

Death Bed: The Bed that Eats (1977)


Death Bed is a mess of a movie. The concept is certainly bizarre, but that’s far from the oddest thing about this movie. Granted a foaming, chicken loving bed that gets indigestion is hard to top, but the presentation is so haphazardly thrown together, it’s hard to make sense even of the senseless. The main…

Crash of Moons (1954)


Crash of Moons is one of those films from the 50’s that is so cheesy that the only way it manages to really stand the test of time is by support from real nostalgia buffs and self-hating mongrels like myself. Set in the “not so distant future” the film follows the exploits of Rocky Jones,…

The Granny (1995)


The Granny is a fun film. It’s completely absurd and over the top while adding in some irreverent humor and ridiculous characters. It’s a traditional story of revenge mixed with demon possession. I first found this at a video store that was still predominantly VHS driven, while the rest of the world was moving to…