Category: Movies

The Black Hole (2006)


Despite what the title tells you, the emphasis is on an electrical monster, not an astronomical force of destruction. There IS a black hole, but somehow the impending implosion of planet Earth is less dangerous than ONE stupid monster that the authorities can’t contain. The story starts out simple enough: a quantum research center has…

Shadow Puppets (2007)


This movie sat in my waiting box for about two years or so. Sometimes things slip through the cracks as I look at the discs and just say to myself, “Self, you probably don’t care to watch this”. And in most cases, my disembodied self is right. Other times, I finally get to watching them,…

Terror Toons 2 (2007)


Much like the classic Lovecraftian protagonist, I too am haunted by knowledge not meant for man. This knowledge comes in the form of movies that a colleague of mine has so generously decided to bring to my attention. Our story starts out in suburbia. As young Tiffany wakes up to her birthday, the house maid…

The Impossible Kid (1982)


I have a feeling that I will be reviewing more sequels in the near future than original entries. Luckily for me, my taste in movies doesn’t really make that matter much. So anyway as a grand follow-up to the classic ‘For Your Height Only’, Weng-Weng is back as Secret Agent 00. The original couldn’t decide…

Goshzilla 2005 (2005)


Back for his third attempt, Goshzilla again terrorizes those who foolishly enter his domain. We start of with two people who are arguing about a CD holder. But it is not a CD holder, not even the great Rappin’ with the Homeboys CD. Surely this can only be resolved though a fight at the park….

The Terror of Tiny Town (1938)


I first heard about this gem on Oh the Humanity Supposedly if you watch this, you’re an official b-movie fan. I don’t know, since this was the first b-movie I watched, but it’s safe to say that you’re in good standing if you’ve either heard of this or watched it once. This movie is played…

Night of the Lepus (1981)


Well, this little gem of a movie was brought to my attention. It’s about rabbits. Big rabbits. So how can you go wrong with that. It’s very hard, but there’s one thing you can’t do. And that is take it too seriously. Given playing it straight came sometimes add to the campiness of the movie,…

Cannibal Ferox (1981)


I don’t know why I got this film. Maybe I just chickend out of Cannibal Holocaust; although I can’t find it in a reasonable price range on eBay. I’ve kicked my eBay habit anyway. Having no money helps a bit, but the bidding wars get to be a pain to keep after. You have to…

Grounded for Life (2001)


If you tuned into this show in the past few weeks, congratulations. The ads looked funny, so I figured I would check it out. And since it’s right before Temptation Island, I can watch TV all night. Here’s my Wednesday schedule. 8:30-10:30 Accounting Lab/Class; 10:30-3:30 do nothing; 3:30-4:45 ISS480, I forget what the name of…

Goshzilla 2000 (2001)


Once again, we meet our heros: guy 5 and guy 6. They are talking about his new CD player. But it is not a CD player it is the new Rappin’ with the Homeboys CD! So guy 5 suggests they throw it in the dumpster. With such a threat placed against guy 6, he lashes…