I first heard about this gem on Oh the Humanity Supposedly if you watch this, you’re an official b-movie fan. I don’t know, since this was the first b-movie I watched, but it’s safe to say that you’re in good standing if you’ve either heard of this or watched it once.
This movie is played as a straight western, no midget jokes nor pointing out that they just don’t belong. All of the props save for the ponies are all full sized, so they walk under bar doors and wield guns bigger than their heads. I’m not sure who thought this was a good idea, but it was the 30’s and people could pretty much do anything they wanted.
He starts to get his hair cut when the rival rancher/sheriff’s father walks in and threatens him or something and runs out. All the while we’re being treated to a horribly dubbed trio of singers and some guy who have a voice far too deep to be real.
The cowgirl sets off with some food to meet the sheriff and listen to his horribley dubbed song that never ends. It’s very bad. They talk about something, I forget. His father finds him there and is none too pleased. The evil guy tells a rumour to the rival rancher and gets him to ride out and meet the sheriff. They spark at first, but soon come t an agreement. That is until the evil guy shoots the rancher and makes the sheriff look guilty. While the sheriff is seeing if the rancher is ok, the evil guy rides back to town to tell on him. He tries to hit on the cowgirl, but she’s not that desperate.
The sheriff is now in jail and the evil guy is forming a lynching squad to go after him. He gets to all meet at the sheriff’s office and he then slaps the bar woman.
All in all, it has some funny parts, and some that make you wonder how hard it is to make a movie, if things like this can be made. But by the third time watching it, I was a little tired of it and didn’t want to finish it.