The first installment of the Penumbra Series, Overture, featured an interactive real-time mechanic for manipulating objects and a unique sanity system which favored flight over fight, despite the game’s would-be FPS trappings. You were tempted to fight, but ultimately learned that it was futile in most cases. As Philip followed Red’s voice on the radio…
Penumbra: Overture (2007)
In recent years, the game industry has seen a sharp decline in the survival horror genre. While every so often, the world sees the release of a North American-developed Silent Hill installment, these experiences pale in comparison to what many people remember as truly horrifying. Games like Alone in the Dark, the original Silent Hill,…
Hugo’s Jungle of Doom (1992)
You sons of bitches better get excited. Because the most anticipated Goshzilla review of all time (my arbitrary estimation) has finally arrived! I don’t write very often. In fact, my current article submission rate is somewhere in the range of once/twice a year. And if you sat down and did the math, you’d find that…
Jetpack (1993)
I often imagine old shareware authors to be a rare race of mythical beast; some kind of hulking mammoth or fleeting spirit that existed only at some point between 1985 and 1994 and only just long enough to craft a single piece of vibrant CGA wonderland before disappearing forever. As an awkward youth who came…
Bio Menace: Episode 1 (1993)
I was once told that video games in the early 80’s and 90’s were much harder than games today. At the time of hearing this, I didn’t really know if that was true. I had grown up most of my life only casually playing games. The number of games I owned was much higher than…
Barney Splat (1994)
This game came my way from a friend right after graduating from junior high. At the time, we were all in the height of Barney hating. I’m sure it would have been easier to just ignore the show, but I’m pretty sure built up rage would have manifested in drowning a puppy or something, so…
Microman (1993)
Platform: PC (Indie Game) Links: Microman In the early 90’s the only games I played were in the Goblins series. It was maybe five years ago from now when I played Microman and by then I had other games to play like KOTOR and Rayman 2 and, admittedly, Microman fell by the wayside. Now, 16…
Karoshi (2008)
Platform: PC (Indie Game) Links: Karoshi What happens when you take a video game fundamental (survive at all costs) and reward doing the exact opposite? You probably get something that looks mildly similar to Karoshi. Karoshi is a Japanese term which means “death from overwork,” and is used to address the rather high suicide rate…
Apocalypse Cow (1996)
An odd game if I ever saw one. I remember playing this well into the Windows era, but apparently it’s still a DOS game. Which is fine, just thought it was a bit newer. Like most tank war games, you play either in pairs or against the computer. It isn’t turn based, so each player…
Captain Comic (1988)
This was a fun title from back in the shareware era. When sidescrollers ruled, Captain Comic helped pioneer the PC implementation of the genre. The game is simplistic. Jump, dodge, and shoot your way through several zones and collect a few items. No bosses, no characters to meet, just the simple goal. In order to…
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