Joe Castro is becoming one of my favorite low-budget directors/producers/everythingelseinthemovieperson. So when I saw one of his earlier works on the Terror Toons 2 DVD, I had to give it a look. Made in 1985, it was filmed on what I assume was a VHS camcorder. From an interview I read, he said it was one of the first consumer models, and cost a pretty penny back in the day. I remember borrowing on in the early 90’s and was confused at the 8mm mini-cams that were starting to come out. I mean how could you play them without a VHS tape, it was madness!
The plot goes along the line of friends entering a garage and then getting killed by a masked man. I’m not sure why, but it happens. While most of the effects aren’t hyper realistic, the do show evidence of some dedication. Whenever a face is mutilated, it switches to a rubber model, but they looks custom made for the actor rather than generic masks.