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Midnight Movie [2008] - review by Dann |

Director: Jack Messitt Starring: Rebekah Brandes Daniel Bonjour Mandell Maughan Jon Briddell Country: USA
I'm not a huge slasher fan. You have a big scary guy who picks off people one by one. You can't very well have a full cast at the end of the movie, so every small victory means little when in the next scene they person who saved the moment ends up coughing up entrails. But I suppose they serve a purpose in so far as they provide the most death for the time alotted and can vary things up a bit.
I expected to not like this movie. Which begs the question why I bought it. Well I suppose the hologram cover helped; I mean be real. It has drawing power. The premise is that a slasher movie within the movie comes to life and then people start to die. This always bothered me. Even in a movie fantasy land, the logistics just don't make sense. It bothered me just as much in Demons 2, but at least here, there's only one instance of the film in question.
But we back up a bit to get some backstory. A mental patient, the man who directed and starred in his own movie, isn't doing to well locked up. One doctor decides to show him the movie that he has spent his life obsessing. One thing leads to another and the hospital has a new coat of red paint.
Jump forward five years and some low budget theater is showing the very movie that caused problems earlier. Here's another nit-pick. I can swallow killers jumping from movie screens, but $8 for a no-name film. No wonder half the audience works at the place. The only paying customers are the cops investigating the place and a spitting image of my brother in law.
As they sit down to watch what obviously isn't a 1970's movie, but we'll ignore that, they cut to a different scene that has their friend in it. From the POV of the killer, we see him stabbed with a large corkscrew and a chunk is taken out. Soon after another is stabbed, and the group starts to get wise to the trickery. Other mysterious things happen like locked doors and being invisible to outsiders looking in.
But how will they survive this supernatural foe. Well they watch the movie a bit more and realize fear plays a role, as he won't hurt you if you don't bother with him. Unfortunately they find this out after most everyone is dead.
The deaths are good. Mostly the stabbing kind, but with the corkscrew in place, the killer gets to extract large fleshy cones from the victims, which makes for a quick game of soccer at one pont. Really. There are a few neck slashes and one electrocution, so it mixes up a little. In the end is kept me entertained and watching, so that works for me.
Tags: Horror
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