From: Derek Nede
Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2006 8:01 AM
To: Clovis Tolbiac
Subject: goodbye
How do you feel, Clo?
I left your phone on the cot.
Can you feel it, Clo? In your body? Moving around? It's blue, Clo. It's blue and it's now in you.
Please don't get up and please don't be angry. I gave you a gift, Clo.
I gave you a gift.
Please, let's just let bygones be bygones. You butchered my wife, I nearly stoved your head in with a shovel. Then I gave you the blue. I'd say you won out in this little exchange so quit yer bitchin'.
The guards are no longer standing outside your room. You and I both know that such contrivances will no longer be necessary. It's already been six hours now and I'm sure you are feeling the effects of blue. You might be seeing it in strange ways, this email might even look a little odd. You're becoming one of us, Clo. We can do this.
Let's do this.
You hurt me, Clo. You hurt me deep. I had hoped we could be adults about all this, but you just wouldn't have it. I'm the bigger, man, though, aren't I, Clo?
What's happening to me is some crazy Cronenberg dream? I'm changing. I'm transforming into a savage thing. Both physically and mentally. I became His child and as the last little bit of red leaves my veins, I will move on to the next stage.
Red becomes purple...
Becomes purple...
Becomes blue...
I may not be here when you awaken to your destiny so I want to give you some advice. Please wait the recommended 24 hours before you leave the bunker. You still have too much red. The roots will smell you. See your smell.
Just be patient. Listen to some Mountain Goats. Maybe one of the guards can go out and get you some tight pants. We all wear them because it's the style of today. It's noice! (That means nice.)
Unfortunately, I must bring this message to a close. I can feel it calling to me.
It is time for me to complete the transformation.
Try not to think of this as a victory for me and a defeat for you (although that's technically what it is, but what else is new). There are bigger things at work and the ]foreign characters cannot display[ needs us.
Angry men with angry guns are coming.
Good bye.
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